How to Host a Folder as an FTP Server on Windows(‪#‎isoeh‬) [isoeh tutorials] How many of you know how to actually host a folder as an ftp server for file sharing, connectivity and more? Lets take a look : There's a free application called FileZilla, once installed, run the app to create a repository. For authentication,click on the Edit menu on FileZilla and click on Users. In the account settings, click on the Add button to add a user profile and give it a password. This username and password will be used for authentication when you connect to the FTP server from a different computer. Once you reach this point,click on the option Shared Folders and add a folder you would like to share as an FTP server and save the settings. Once it's done, you are set! You can use it from any computer connected to the same network. To open the FTP folder, open the Run box and type in the command, FTP:// example:- Have fun!

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