Dos Attack On Your Computer Crashing Windows Using Batch file Open a notepad. Put the following code in it- :1 Start goto 1 Save the file as name.bat Bat here is batch file extension. Run it. Game over. It basically executes the second line, and the third line makes it go over to the first, execute the second, and then over to first again, execute the second..... infinitely. So again, denial of service. All the processing power is used by a useless command, while you, the legitimate user, can't do anything. --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------- A Live DOS on your Kali Machine If you have Kali linux (The hackers OS- the OS of choice if you use this blog) the here's a small exercise for you. We are going to execute a command in the Kali linux terminal that will cripple the operating system and make it hand. It will most probably work on other linux distributions too. Warning : This code will freeze Kali linux, and most probably it will not recover from the shock. You'll lose any unsaved data. You will have to restart the machine the hard way (turn of the virtual machine directly or cut the power supply if its a real machine). Just copy paste the code and your computer is gone.

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