Autorun virus in Pendrive and Computer in those days are common things. When you plug your pendrive in Computer ,your computer is infected by autorun viruses. So how can you get rid of these viruses without using and paid antivirus. Here i give you a trick,with this trick you can remove all autorun virus from Pendrive. So follow the given steps - How to remove autorun virus using cmd prompt ? Press ( Windowkey +R) type cmd and press enter. All Important Run Commands For Windows In Cmd type cd\ for changing directory. Type in ( attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter. Type ( del autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter. Follow this for all other drives.  How to remove Shortcut virus from pendrive using cmd  ? Shortcut make all your files shortcut in your pendrive. This is very annoying thing. If this virus enter your system ,your system is house of shortcuts. Mainly these virus found in pendrive .  Just follow the below given steps to remove shortcut virus from pen drive. Press ( Windowkey +R) type cmd and press enter. Go to your pen drive directory.(if your pendrive disk name G then type G: and press enter) Type this command: del *.lnk and press Enter. Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d e:\*.* And then press a  Enter.

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